AmigaActive (606/2143)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:7 May 2000 at 14:28:26
Subject:Re: slight IDEFix Prob

Hello Simon

On 07-May-00, you wrote:

>> On this screen, there is a requester saying that it can not find
>> atapi.device unit3. Is there anyway of surpressing this requester so that
>> it will reboot itself, or make the requester appear on my Monitor screen
>> instead (not the PAL screen)?

> Odd. It sounds like its not reading your IDE device. What is on Unit 3?.
> Probably a CD ROM. Make sure its probably plugged in and there is power
> going to it. Are you using a Full-Tower, Sidecar Tower or external? If its
> the latter two then make sure that the drive is powered before switching
> on the Amiga.

nope, all in a Eyetech EZ-Tower. (4.3Gb HD, 54xCD, 24xCD, Zip100)
Like I say though, it does not happen very often, so it is not a big problem
(more annoying than anything). I have tried opening the Pixel64 screen
before the drives are mounted, but it does not good. The error can not
mount drive is still put out on to a PAL screen : (

> Getting the monitor to display the message. Erm, try a
> scandoubler/flixer. Is there some sort of device for the Pixel64 to do
> this?

Nope, not atm : / When I bought the board at last years WoA, I asked Ateo
about a scandoubler/fixer and they said that they where developing one at
that time. I have heard nothing else about it since : /

> Hope that helps.

Not really : /

Thanks anyway

*Sam Thomas* - Full sys spec on my website:
Getting a PowerFlyer Soon : )

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